Sunday, January 23, 2011

brrr, it's cold!

We got another big storm on Friday, and according to the weather channel that I watched last night we here in Bathurst got the most snow--about 25 cm. Then yesterday the cold front moved in. There were only 3 of us at the UFO day. It was very relaxing though. I took all of my quilt blocks except the last five and got them trimmed. That is the part I hate to do so it was nice to do it in company.
I finished up this little pin cushion. The pattern came form Retro Mama. I love her style.

Today I finished this hat for my husband from yarn left from my hat and the leg warmers I made. It fits really well.

I haven't sewn anything yet today because we blazed the snowshoe trail this morning in the fresh snow. The temperature was -15 celsius but the trails are all in the woods sheltered from the wind. We were both quickly sweating. I did take the time to feed the chickadees but didn't take pictures as I figured it would be too cold for the camera. After that we visited the in laws for a while. I just made homemade pizza dough for vegetarian pizza and Gord is putting it together as I write.
It's a recipe I've been using for years. You dissolve 1 tbsp of  yeast in 1/2 cup of warm water. Add that to 1and 1/2 cups flour ( I mix whole wheat and unbleached white) with 1 tbsp oil and knead for about 3 minutes until smooth. I put it in an oiled bowl in the oven with the light turned on for about 1/2 hour. It makes one 12 inch pizza.
Finally, I added a little more color to my chickadees sketch but I can see that I could use lots more practice.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Nice to meet another fellow Canadian blogger! I signed up to follow.