Tuesday, April 17, 2012

busyness, but no sewing

It's another week with little sewing. Our floor was finished up this morning. we liked it so much that we've decided to put it all the way down the stairs to the basement. I had to go pay the final bill and then pick up more supplies for the stairs.
The windows are all open here and there's a lovely breeze blowing. It makes me think about the garden, so I started a tray of seeds first thing this morning.

I'm pretty sure we've broken another temperature record for heat again today. My car thermometer said 28 Celsius or 82.4 F. We hardly get that kind of temperature in the summer let alone April! Oh, My husband just came in and said the radio is announcing that Bathurst is the warmest spot in Canada right now. wow.

Since I was out for errands, I went to visit my mother-in-law for lunch and a walk on the beach. I just can't do it without filling my hands and pockets!

We sat on the deck after lunch and the walk and I did some knitting.
I had to rip out 3/4 of my afghan so I figured I might as well rip it all out. I was worried about running out of the yarn (from my stash) so I cast on less stitches. this is what it looked like before I ripped it out. So far, I've got a couple of inches redone--it goes fast though.

There is a little fabric shop on  my way where I planned to pick up a batting for my baby quilt but a note on the door said the owner was sick and it was closed.
So, I've been busy, just not sitting inside at my machine. One really has to enjoy the weather as it comes. I think I'm going to head out now and do little raking.
I'm linking to WIP Wednesday at the Needle and Thread Network.


Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Isn't this weather lovely. Same here today; I've been outside all afternoon, cleaning off the gardens a bit; enough to let the sun on them. This morning I finished the cleaning in the sunporch; almost ready to hang quilts...yay!!

I guess sewing will be waiting for both of us,eh.I received my FQ bundle in the mail today. Summer Love collection

Linda said...

Your temperatures are way better than ours here in NS. I love your afghan. It will be so pretty when finished.

Gill said...

Lucky you Holly with such wonderful weather! Here in the UK it's cold and wet!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Your floor is pretty.

You must be getting the same weather the east coast of the US is getting. that is the kind of weather we had here for 2 weeks in March in the midwest.

Mary Ann Tate said...

I would love to open my windows and let the air in...lucky you:) We are a bit chilly here today. I like your floor. It looks very nice.

greelyrita said...

Thanks for letting me walk on the beach with and gaze out on the ocean! I can't do that either without picking up shells and rocks. I wonder what that's about sometimes, I mean really? I grew up on water, though not the ocean. I miss water so much. It's like a friend. You keep tabs on how he feels, what's floating by.

monika@mysweetprairie.ca said...

I don't know.... I think the pier and all those shells are saying, "Holly! Paint & Stitch me!"
: )
~Monika in Saskatoon

elle said...

I relate to busy but not the nice westher. Very yukky, rainy and we are now below normal temerature wise. Never a dull moment. Nice flooring!

Cheryl Coville said...

It must be nice to be able to walk along the beach whenever you like.

What Comes Next? said...

sounds like a wonderful day! I'd love to fill my pockets at the beach. I hope your afghan goes well, its looks very pretty

Kit Lang said...

Overall, we've had lovely weather too. Sounds like a lovely day. :)

Sheila said...

It is a lovely day here today but not record breaking temperatures but I will take the sunshine and be happy :-0 Lucky you to have a chance to walk on the beach and fill your pockets , sounds like fun.

Regina said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed that nice weather while it lasted.....lots of snow here today.