Thursday, May 19, 2011


Today, we saw the sun for the first time in weeks! There were still a lot of ominous looking clouds around, but at least it didn't rain and it was very warm. Right after my lunch, I got out my bicycle for the first time this year and went for a spin. Then, I spent most of my afternoon outside. I re-potted some of my tomatoes, beets, and borage that I had started.

Earlier this week, I finished the last 2 cobblestone blocks. As you see it, I have not yet re-arranged the blocks in their final layout. I can see that the picture is a little blurred. That might actually help me to use it as a reference when I move the blocks around.

At night and when I need a break in the day time, I'm still knitting  away on my gold sweater. I'm happy because I finally got to the wavy pattern on the bottom. It's more fun to knit the easy 4 row repeat lacy pattern than the plain stockinette stitch.
We're expecting more rain in the next couple of days; although, it's supposed to clear on Saturday afternoon so there's hope. Sunday and Monday of our long weekend look promising!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

We haven't seen much sun lately either but today was a beautiful day, up in the low 70s finally. Your cobblestone blocks look great and arranging them is a fun procedure.

Lana C. said...

Wow! You can knit so nicely!! That sweater is awesome.