Tuesday, April 7, 2015

More on the wave

This is a quick post to show the very little bit more that I added to The Wave today. I'm getting ready for a retreat on the weekend.

There are a few odd things I need to finish such as this little name tag. I had the brooch already, so I saved time--took the pin back off,stitched my name, and put it back on.

I was supposed to be gathering together some fiber Art for show and tell and instead couldn't resist adding some bits.

I'm only auditioning the light blue on the bottom for color. I will get to a fabric store while away, and I can look for something.

It's still a ways from the sewing machine and I'm so anxious!


rtquilter said...

Looking god Holly! The colours are great

sherry said...

looking great!

In stitches and seams said...

your surfer on the waves is looking pretty good !

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

So nice Holly!! I really like The Wavw

Angela said...

Looking good!

Threadpainter said...

It's gonna be awesome !

Meredith said...

Love your name tag and of course your latest project. Your retreat is going to be so much fun.

Watercolour and Textile Artist, Eileen Gidman said...

I'm liking the yellow-green of the cresting wave (mid left).
Thanks for the name tag idea.