Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spring wreath

As you can see by the time in between my posts, I'm still struggling. I had some blood tests and everything was ok there, a relief, but we still don't know exactly what's causing my all over itching and burning. We've also ruled out allergies. I'm now taking a common medication for nerve pain which is making me very dopey until I get used to it. It seems to be helping some although night time can still get pretty uncomfortable. Can you imagine, to see a skin specialist or a neurologist, I could wait a year!
Each day, I drag myself to my sewing studio and do a little bit. I'm currently stitching the binding onto my fern runner so I'll show that in the next couple of days.
Today, I felt like I accomplished something when I added a few flowers and a ribbon to a wreath.

There are some little art bits floating around in my head. I even picked out paint today. There is hope.


Soonymary said...

hope you are soon feeling well again. I love your blog and your beautiful work!

Jennifer Scantlebury Vienneau said...

Nice to see your presence online again! Feel better soon!

imquilternity said...

Oh Holly... I feel for you. Your condition sounds absolutely horrible and I know that when you're not feeling your best, it's difficult to get motivated to do anything... even those things you love to do. I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that a diagnosis is found soon so you can get back to your wonderful life. Take care.