Friday, March 22, 2013

Tulip stamps

Ok, enough already, spring is supposed to be here and it's been snowing ever since! I wanted to finish my second pillow this morning before I go out, but I felt the need for a little spring time color. I sat and cut out a couple of foam tulip stamps and then tested them on paper.

I quite like them and I think they'll work great on the Gelli and on fabric. I might have to try one more in a longer thinner version. These measure about 3 by 8 and 4 by 8 inches.


elle said...

You are so clever! These are great!

MarveLes Art Studios said...

they are PERFECT! love em! {and i so loved your new article} beautifully done!!

Margaret Applin said...

Awesome stamps Holly!!! The print looks fantastic!!!

imquilternity said...

Wonderful stamps! You are so talented.