Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Sunny and hot means time in the studio

Last week, it rained most of the week and we wished for sun. This  week, we have the sun and hot weather, too hot for me. We're never happy are we? Truthfully, it works out quite well for me. I venture outside for a bit in the morning--today, I watered and added the last of my seeds-- just enough for me to handle in a day.
This afternoon, thanks to air conditioning, I happily went to my sewing studio where I have a window onto my little world.
In another few weeks it should be filled out. We moved the birdbath to the left where we can see it better and I planted all my cosmos seedlings near the apple tree.Watching the birds in the bath keeps me entertained. It is so popular that I swear the birds line up and wait their turn some days.

Hubby also put up a swallow house. It's a little late for this year though.We'll see.
One thing I love to have in my fridge in summer is homemade ice tea. Even though it's officially the first day of summer, this is my third batch.

I usually brew a pot of mixed loose herbal teas. This one is a mixture of a roibos green and a decaf green tea. I let it steep for a while adding lemon juice (fresh when I have it) and about a teaspoon (or to taste) of honey while it's warm. After it has cooled, I pour it into my glass jug and put it into the fridge. Delicious!

If you've been reading for a while, you may know that I've always got a few (too many) projects on the go. I often never know until I wander into the studio and pick up something what I might do.

The other day, I ironed  some angelina fibers and layered them along with soluble stabilizer into a hoop to stitch dragonfly wings. I've just realized that I should have had some netting there too for a little stiffness. I'll add it and try a second set to see the difference.

The plan is to add a dragonfly or two and some other bugs to this piece that I've been free motion stitching.

I added more stems, foliage and flowers with a layer of netting on top t hold it all down.

About half is done to the right. The left is unstitched. I think you can see the difference.

Last up is the baby quilt that I work on a square at a time here and there. I won't have enough of the collection-- Moda Mixologie-- so I'm adding in a couple from my stash. They are the two, bottom right, which I cut a little too large. I wanted to see how they would fit with the collection though and I think pretty well. Also, I've just noticed one square turned the wrong way, top right. The navy is strong. there is more of it though and so it will dispersed here and there.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I agree we are never 100% happy with summer. I look forward to the cooler and less humid days. The people who have outside pools want the hot days, I want warm, with a breeze and low humidity.

I like the little flowers you added to your piece.

Pam @ Quilting Fun said...

Love the dragon fly wings, so lacy and gossamer. The baby blanket is lovely,

Anonymous said...

You always have beautiful projects on the go, I'm especially fond of this newest piece and the dragon fly wings are exquisite.