Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A free pieced workshop

I gave a workshop today with 5 quilting friends. My aim was to pass on some of the fun that I had putting my baby quilt together. It definitely was catchy as everyone seemed to really enjoyed it. They barely took time to eat!
My friend, Anne caught on immediately and took off on her own. We opted to fussy cut a focus fabric and she added her strips to those pieces.

It's not the best quality photo as I used my I pad so we could view the layouts easily. It's a very striking quilt!

This one by Elise, is just over halfway put together.
It was really fun to see it done in five different styles and colours of fabrics. I'll share more another day.
For more quilting and needlework blogs, go check out the Needle and Thread Network.


elle said...

Luv this whole concept. YES!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

Fantastic!! I really love this. Looks and sounds like you had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Great idea for sharing your skills! I love the simplicity of the quilting, not stippling which I find so hard to do!

Jennifer Scantlebury Vienneau said...

Great idea! Looks like a lot of fun! Maybe we should have a NB bloggers day sometime and work on something fun like this.....might be an idea for next spring. We could meet somewhere central to all so no one had to drive more than an hour or so. Thoughts?

monika@mysweetprairie.ca said...

Way to go! That sounds awesome!

: )

Mrs.Pickles said...

lovely work!

Sheila said...

Looks like a fun workshop , I can see that the possibilities are endless !

felicity said...

Fantastic! That is one of the best things about a workshop - seeing everyone's unique take on a pattern or method.

Regina said...

Great pattern, and it is always so much fun to see how other quilters interpret the same instructions.

Happy Turtle said...

That's a really nice pattern.
Looks great!

Margaret Applin said...

These quilt designs are FABULOUS!!! I love them!!! Such a minimalist approach yet soooo interesting and eye catching!!! I've never wanted to "quilt" but these make me want to play with a design of my own! Nice work!!!