Sunday, May 19, 2013

Gelli prints

Despite the ongoing cooler than normal temperatures, I went with my husband to the golf course to have a bit of a practice. He was golfing yesterday but so far this year, I've only been out hitting a few balls. Hopefully it'll be warmer by next weekend.
On Friday night we went to see Ironman 3. I really wanted to see The Great Gatsby although i love the Ironman movies. We opted for the earlier movie. I really enjoyed it, especially in 3D, but wow, it's getting expensive!

This afternoon, when I got home, I felt like trying out a couple of Gelli prints. I was inclined at first to think the first one didn't work well. The 'fence' is too prominent. However, I think it can easily be rescued with some paint and appliqué. It's always fun to play and see what develops.

The second one turned out OK. It's busy but that was kind of the idea. Emphasis can be put on certain elements with the use of stitch, overlays, or Paintsticks. That's the fun of these. I have sort of an idea of what I want when I start. Quite often I end up in a completely different place.

The only other thing I feel about the second one is that I would like to have some lighter colors to choose from. I do have a white; however, it is opaque and I was using transparent paints. I didn't want to cover up too much of yesterday's screens. I certainly could have with the first one.

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