Saturday, February 9, 2013

Last night at retreat

Tonight will be the final of three nights at my guild retreat. I've sewn up a storm, laughed and talked lots, and eaten far too much!
I just put a second border on the quilt for my brother and I'm so happy! It may be finished. I just want to lay it out on my queen bed at home to see how I like the size.

So, I've cleaned up my table for another project tomorrow morning and I just came up to my room for a shower.
This is one corner of our large sewing room. What a buzzing place it is! Most can only be dragged away when the meals are announced! I confess to being among the younger ones, but I have to go to my room and rest each afternoon. Some stay up until the wee hours and they're the first ones back in the morning. Not so for me. We all move at our own pace and we definitely all have fun.

We're all cozy in here while its storming outside. My husband will have time to clear the snow tomorrow before he comes for me mid afternoon.


Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

your quilt is fabulous Holly...I just love the color. Nice way to spend this stormy weekend

elle said...

So glad you are enjoying yourself and the troublesome storm is only in the scrap piles!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Your quilt looks great!! It sounds like a wonderful retreat.

Claudia LeBlanc said...

It's gorgeous! Great job!