Thursday, June 26, 2014

A redo on my cosmos

I'm so contented to-night. I just spent the most peaceful relaxing time in my studio, accompanied by some soft music and pleasant views and sounds from the garden.
A few comments from a friend led me to revisit a piece that was stalled.
I could not seem to find the right border for my cosmos piece. When I emailed her some options, she mentioned that the first border looked a bit dark. At first I said that the lighting was dark, and it was, but it got me thinking.
Finally, having the time tonight, I went at it and replaced the narrow plum border with a bright pink.

I also stitched down some tiny white flowers around the yellow centres. I'm excited now as I think I have the perfect border for it.
I'm anxious to continue now but it's getting dark. I'll get back to it this weekend sometime. We're supposed to be getting some sunny hot weather. I may have to retreat to the cool house at some point.
I also added some cotton yarn for the stems.

It's moving in the direction I envisioned.

1 comment:

sdBev said...

Please forgiveme if this sounds negative. I like the color of yhe border with this print, but I find I am looking at the border withiut seeing the cosmos.