This is the worst I’ve ever been at blogging except during my surgery times. I’ve got too many distractions! I need to get out when it’s sunny and we’ve had a lot of good weather. I’ve been walking the trails as much as I can. On one of the sunny but cold and windy days this week, I went with a friend to a newer trail that a retired couple has made on their own land. They have provided parking, maps and lovely trails. Isn’t that amazing?
We found a sunny spot with a bench and were able to sit long enough for a snack and a sketch. My friend brought a little piece of hand stitching.
I’ve been to yoga twice this week and to my knitting group. These socks, pattern called Octapuses Garden, are almost done.
While adjusting to the new arthritis medication— there were some side effects that eased after 2 weeks — I’ve been reading. The last book I finished was:

I could hardly put it down. The setting was mostly in Newfoundland with some in Alberta and Afghanistan.
I sit for short periods at my machine set up for free motion and stitch on the waterfall. I can see the end in sight. I’m adding white highlights today on the rocks.

In one of Allison Holts books on seascapes I read about using a dark thread matching the background in the bobbin, a light thread on top and tightening the top tension. You will get an interrupted stitch that can resemble droplets or sparkles. I’ve tried it here.
You can see it on the bottom right in the dark areas.
I also gathered a few supplies to take to my sewing day tomorrow. I’m going start sewing together a baby quilt top. I’m being strict with myself trying to get a few items finished but I really want to start a quilt for my bed. I have some; however, I’d like something quieter with softer shades and more neutrals. One pattern that I’ve always wanted to try is the MajesticMountains. Today I cut out a sample block following a Bonnie Hunter tutorial. It’s laid out here but not all stitched yet.

Wow, what a fun block. I won’t do any more now until I gather all the fabrics —batiks I think—so maybe January.
That’s what I’ve been up to.
I won’t close without adding a pic of my 11 month old Ollie dressed for Halloween. I can’t wait to see him when we go for his first birthday.