Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cutting and piecing gentle curves

Some of you may have noticed that I have not been blogging as much of late as I usually do. So I thought I'd write a short post today about one of my favourite methods for cutting and piecing gentle curves.
I'm using the second piece of my fabric sprayed fern and Queen Anne's Lace for another table runner. The plan is to add gently curved strips to each side of the central print to the desired length
This is a method I learned many years ago at a workshop and one which I've since seen in books and on the net.
The first step is to overlap the two pieces of fabric about an inch. As you can see below I've already cut a gentle curve using my straight ruler to hold the fabric down as I go. You can simply turn a bit as you go along. This keeps the fabric from bunching up.

Next remove the left underneath piece and the right narrow top piece.
I make matching marks every inch and a half or so on both pieces.

I then pin the two fabrics together matching the marks. Don't worry about the bits in between that seem to bulge and not quite fit together; as you sew, slowly, you can gently pull and ease the fabrics together. Occasionally I'll get a small pucker that can most easily be eased out if you unpick a small area and resew stretching a bit.

If you haven't tried it yet, you'll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is! Just keep the curves gentle, not too steep and clip the seams every 1/2 to 3/4" before pressing.
I think it's much more interesting for some projects rather than simply adding rectangular pieces. It gives a softer more organic look.
Here it is all stitched, clipped and pressed. It's nice and flat.

As for my blogging, I may be doing a little less in the near future but I'll write when I can. I've got a couple of family things going on and a health issue. While it's not at all serious, it's totally sapping my energy and threatening my sanity! Just so you won't worry, I'm suffering from an all over itchiness which seems uncontrollable by any anti-histamines, creams or soaks. So far the only thing that helps are relaxants. They help me get more comfortable in the evening when it's worse and help me sleep but then I seem to stay perpetually drowsy the next day.
I've had similar things in the past for which we never found the cause but this time it's far worse.
I'm hoping to see the doctor this week, ( another storm is forecast for that day) for some further suggestions. Perhaps I've got some kind of in balance or vitamin lack. Time will tell.


Linda said...

Thanks for sharing how you make those lovely curves. I will try it for sure. And hope things improve for you real soon.

Jennifer Scantlebury Vienneau said...

Sorry to hear you are having more health issues, Holly. Hopefully you will be able to find the cause and get relief soon. Love that method of sewing curves - I also learned it years ago and find it very easy to do - great little tutorial you posted.

What Comes Next? said...

no fun Holly :( I hope you can get some relief quickly. Also hope you don't get blasted with another storm. Great tutorial - that's how I learnt to do them in a workshop some years back, too.

Jeito Mineiro de Ser said...

Ótima dica! Obrigada!
Parece uma bobagem mas você mudou o sabão e/ou o amaciante que usa para lavar as roupas? No passado tive problemas de alergia por causa deles.
Um abraço! Desejo saúde para você!
Great tip! Thank you!
It seems silly but you changed the soap and / or fabric softener you use to wash your clothes? In the past I have had allergy problems because of them.
Hugs! I wish health to you!

imquilternity said...

So sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Please take good care of yourself... we'll miss you, but we'll be here when you get back!

rtquilter said...

So sorry to hear this news, Holly! Take care and , as a favourite nurse once said to me, "be nice to yourself"! Sometimes that's all you can do. I shall be thinking of you and cheering for you. Take care and good luck!