Today, I needed to start tidying up to get ready to move furniture. Before I did that though, I free motion stitched some confetti leaves made from rotary cut snippets of fabric sandwiched between 2 layers of Saran Cling Wrap Plus. Later the Saran will be ironed between sheets of paper to melt it and I will be left with the leaves to use on my wall hanging.
Then I finished that last 7 squares for the zigzag quilt. They will all need to be trimmed. It will give me something to do while I cannot use the sewing machine. I am moving my cabinet temporarily into my bedroom, so I could use it if I'm desperate. How long can a person go without?

I have a wood floor in my studio and I love it. It is a lot of work to move everything out. I know because I've done it twice, once to have the floor put in and once to have it refinished 12 years later.
Sounds intriguing I missing something here? Won't the saran wrap also melt to the fabric and the paper leaving a bit of a mess?
I have had my new wood flooring for over a year now, but we have to do a major job before the flooring will be ready to install, and that has to wait till spring. I can hardly wait..threads on carpet..arghh!
very very beautiful
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