Tuesday, February 27, 2018

When life gets in the way

You know how we roll along and then life throws us a few curves? I’ve had a few of those lately. Some family illnesses, both my mother and mother in law and then this terrible flu that’s going round. I’m doing physio for my side and neck. It may be caused by my fall way back in December.
I’m feeling generally tired and I’ve been conserving my energy, spending a little less time in my studio. Snowshoeing is the only outdoor option as our streets are icy and rutted, sometimes full of water, and not great for walking.

I’ve been giving myself permission to rest when I need, picking up my knitting or maybe reading. This too shall pass.

I have progressed some on my surfer adding more fused pieces as I go. I found some of the white water that I’d made for another piece.

I’m concentrating on all the little slivers before I move on to the stitching.

Last year, made 1 Swoon block and got so frustrated trying to cut pieces for the second block that I gave up. Since I’m trying to clear out some UFO’s, I pulledit out and got a friend who has made it to help me cut and lay out the pieces.

Today, I put together the one 9 patch on the bottom right.

Here is the first block.

Optimally, 6 blocks would work well for a twin sized quilt but I may only have 3 blocks in me! If so I’ll add some smashing s and maybe some smaller stars.


Mystic Quilter said...

Your Swoon blocks are looking lovely with your choice of fabrics, your surfer piece is great! Difficult to press on sometimes when health is not good.

Mereknits said...

Hoping you feel better Holly and all those members of your family get well. It is hard to give ourselves permission to rest isn't it? I wonder why that is? Take good care of yourself.

Margaret said...

So sorry about your recent ills. I think our culture gives us the sense that if we're not producing 24/7, we're failures, so permission to rest is a challenge for us...but everyone needs "Sabbath time" regularly, and I'm glad you are taking some for yourself! Get well soon!