Sunday, July 28, 2024


 It was about 3 yrs ago that a severe depression caused me to stop doing anything creative. I lost all my creative desire. I’ve been on a lot of medication and crawling out of the hole has been a slow and frustrating process. 

I wanted to write here as it is a good journal process in a way. I like to be able to look back at it.

It started almost a year ago when I started walking, mostly on forest trails and working out 3 times a week. I had my second hip replacement at the beginning of Covid and I did no exercise for about a year. I am finally getting stronger being able to do squats push ups, get up steps and off the floor easily.

Finally, a reduction in part of my medications in the spring, has relit my creative spark this summer.

The first thing I did was to buy a painting that spoke to me. It is called, The Spirit Within, by artist Mary Morey. She had her woodland collection showing The Captain's Gallery in Chester, NS.

I started noticing artwork, especially abstract work and I bought a course by Susan Allard called 31 Bright and Fun Sketchbook Paintings and I really have been having fun. Painting every day.

The paintings are in progress.

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