Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Gelli prints and rubber stamping

We’ve been having the most incredible winter thaw this week - enough to melt the snow pack on our streets. I’ve been walking every day arriving home with my coat unzipped and bare hands.
Finally, I finished every block for the Majestic mountains quilt and I started putting the rows together. I’ve done 5 of the 9 rows so far. The rows will sewn together a bit more slowly since each 2” seam must be snuggled up to the other.

I’m anxious to clear off my wall so that I can use it for some artwork.

I continue to free motion stitch a little at a time on the ferns and lace. I have the flowers left to do on the top left and bottom right.

This is one of the finished sections.

Once all the stitching is done, I will sandwich and quilt it and it is only after that when I will do some hand embellishments . You can see that it is a slow process but I enjoy it, especially the handwork.

This morning I made the first bread in ages, maybe a year! I’ve been using a bread machine because of the arthritis in my hands; however, I really wanted to do an old porridge bread recipe that I used to make by hand.

It turned out beautifully!

One other thing I’ve done this week, is to carve a rubber stamp with one of my designs. Sometimes I like to use these motifs stamped on fabric for some of my fiber art. The soft rubber is very easy to carve.

It’s not perfect as I don’t do this a lot. That’s the whole idea though. It’s the imperfections that give it a uniquely handmade look. 

Happy Wednesday!

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